
News from the Mycena world

This web site is in dynamic progress. As a service to the visitor all major changes on the site will be registered here - the last change on top of the list below.

Interesting news from the world of Mycenas will also be noticed.

Mycena look alikes:

Hemimycena Hydropus
Delicatula Fayodia
Mycenella Rickenella
Resinomycena Roridomyces

June 2023: Corriol, G & Jargeat, P: Mycena pasvikensis, une espèce boréo-subalpine nouvelle pour l'arc alpin. in Bull. mycol. et bot. Dauphiné-Savoie 249: 49-55 (2023).
June 2023: Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 9 in Sydowia 75 (2023) presenting the new species Mycena amoena.
January 2023: Major update on many species. Mycena flagellata and Mycena venustula added. The new genera Atheniella and Phloeomana introduced.
Qin Na & Tolgor Bau: Recognition of Mycena sect. Amparoina sect. nov. (Mycenaceae, Agaricales), including four new species and revision of the limits of sect. Sacchariferae. MycoKeys 52: 103-124 (2019).

Heinrich Lehmann & Matthias Lüderitz: Die "Gattung" Hemimycena in Schleswig-Holstein. Fungi Cimbricae 1. Kiel, 2018. 424 pp.

E. Rubio, S. Corral & J.M. Costa: Mycena chlorophos, una especie tropical o subtropical, recolectada en Galicia. Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 42: 91–97 (2018).
FRANCISCO SÁNCHEZ IGLESIAS & MIQUEL ÁNGEL PEREZ-DE-GREGORIO: Mycena pachyderna Kühner, una escurridiza especie cortícola. Micobotánica-Jaén 13(3): 1-10 (2018).
01 Mar. 2018: New version of Mycena adonis.
03 Feb. 2018: Added description and microphotos of Mycena luteovariegata.
03 Feb. 2018: Mycena flavoalba and M. floridula. New information indicating that M. floridula merely is a pink form of M. flavoalba has been added, referring to Aronsen, A & Larsson, E: Studier i släktet Mycena - 2. Mycena floridula - en färgvariant av Mycena flavoalba (gulvit hätta). Svensk Mykologisk Tidsskrift 37(3): 26-31 (2016).
Oct. 2017: New photos of Mycena haematopus, Mycena hiemalis, Mycena stipata, Mycena rubromarginata, Mycena clavata, Mycena terena, Mycena citrinovirens, and Mycena xantholeuca.
04 Oct. 2017: New photo and microphotos of Mycena silvae-pristinae.
27 Sept. 2017: New photos of Mycena crocata and Mycena fagetorum.
15 Aug. 2017: New microphotos of Mycena haematopus, Mycena picta and Mycena viridimarginata
Jan Holec & Miroslav Kolarik: First report of Mycena clavata (Fungi, Agaricales) in the Czech Republic including notes on its taxonomy, phylogenetic position and ecology. Czech Mycology 69(1): 1-14 (2017).
Matthias Lüderitz & Andreas Gminder: Mycena radicifera J.Favre 1957. Hauhechel-Hemling in 19 Großpilzarten, für deren globale Erhaltung Deutschland eine hohe bzw. besonders hohe Verantwortung hat (Verantwortungsarten). Beiheft zur Zeitschrift für Mykologie 13: 204-223 (2014).
29 Oct. 2016: New photos and microphotos of Mycena parca.
26 Sept. 2016: Updated Mycena flavescens with new photos, micro drawing etc.
14 Sept. 2016: Microphotos of Mycena zephirus.
13 Aug. 2016: Two new species, Mycena mucoroides and Mycena pasvikensis, additional photo of Mycena aciculata, and microphotos of Mycena sanguinolenta.
Aronsen, A. & Læssøe, T.: The genus Mycena s.l. in The Fungi of Northern Europe, vol. 5. Copenhagen, 373 p (2016).

Brian A. Perry & Dennis E. Desjardin: New species of Mycena (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) from California. Phytotaxa 269 (1): 33-40 (2016).

Robich, G: Mycena d'Europa volume 2. Centro Studi Micologici. A.M.B, Trento, p. 733-1528 (2016).

31 July 2016: More microphotos of Mycena pearsoniana, Mycena aciculata, Mycena megaspora, and Mycena exilis.
23 July 2016: Uploaded microphotos of Mycena alexandri.
14 July 2016: Some small changes and uploaded microphotos of Mycena leptocephala.
11 July 2016: Uploaded microphotos of Mycena abramsii, Mycena pelliculosa, Mycena flavoalba and Mycena citrinovirens.
09 July 2016: Mycena nucicola is considered being a synonym of Mycena tenerrima. New photos of Mycena vitilis.
13 May 2016: Photo and micro drawing of Mycena juncicola and new microphotos of Mycena silvae-nigrae.
07 Mars 2016: Photos and description of Mycena dura.
Aronsen, A. & Larsson, E.: Studier i släktet Mycena (hättor). Svensk Mykologisk Tidsskrift 36(3): 23-29 (2015).
15 Feb. 2016: Description, photos, microphotos and drawings of Mycena flos-nivium and micro drawings of Mycena riparia.
February 2016: The name Mycena adscendens (Lasch) Maas Geest. was invalidly published. A. adscendens Lasch is illegitimate. The old name, Mycena tenerrima (Berk.) Quél., should be used for this species.
29 Jan. 2016: Description and photos of Mycena flos-nivium added.
Redhead, S.A.: Nomenclatural novelties(Phloeomana alba comb. nov. and Phloeomana hiemalis comb. nov.) in Index Fungorum no. 289 (2016) and Phloeomana minutula comb. nov. and Phloeomana clavata comb. nov in Index Fungorum no. 290 and no. 291.
17.01.2016: Microphotos of Mycena adonis added.
09.01.2016: Additional photo and microphotos of Mycena olivaceomarginata.
31 Dec. 2015: Additional microphotos of Mycena mucor - cheilocystidia and pileipellis and three new photos of Mycena mirata added.
30 Dec. 2015: Additional microphotos of Mycena guldeniana.
Olariaga, Ibai, Pérez-de-Gregorio, Miquel À and Arrillaga, Pedro: Porpoloma aranzadii is a synonym of Mycena dura further notes in Mycena sect. Calodontes. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 36 (4): 1-12 (2015).
15 Sept 2015: Jürgen Miersch & Heinrich Lehmann: Mycena alboaculeata, eine neue Helmlingsart mit stacheligem Hut aus Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 81/2: 337-346 (2015).

Aravindakshan D.M., Manimohan P. (2015). Mycenas of Kerala. SporePrint Books,
Calicut. 213 p.

The book can be downloaded for free from:


10 May 2015: New photos of Mycena silvae-nigrae, slightly amended description and new microphotos.
06 May 2015: Amended description, micro drawings and microphotos of Mycena clavularis.
01 May 2015: New photo and micro photos of Mycena polyadelpha.
Aravindakshan DM, Manimohan P: Three new species of Mycena sect. Longisetae. Mycosphere 5(2): 290-297 (2014).
Harder, C.B, Læssøe, T, Frøslev, T.B, Ekelund, F, Rosendahl, S and Kjøller, R: A three-gene phylogeny of the Mycena pura complex reveals 11 phylogenetic species and shows ITS to be unreliable for species identfication. Fungal Biology 11: 764-775 (2013).
Aravindakshan DM, Manimohan P: A new section and two new species of Mycena. Mycosphere 4(5): 930–935 (2013).
Miersch, Jürgen: Mycena nigrostipitata, ein neuer Helmling der Sektion Longisetae aus Deutschland (Sachsen-Anhalt). Zeitschrift für Mykologie 79/2: 329-336 (2013).

Aravindakshan DM and Manimohan P: Mycena sect. Galactopoda: two new species, a key to the known species and a note on the circumscription of the section. Mycosphere 4(4): 653–659 (2013).

Aravindakshan DM and Manimohan P: A new species of Mycena sect. Exornatae and some taxonomic observations. Mycosphere 4(1): 146-150 (2013).

20 May 2013: Updated micro data of Mycena maculata.
Zamora, Juan Carlos & Català, Santiago: A new species of Mycena sect. Sacchariferae from the Iberian cushion-shaped Genisteae. Mycotaxon 122: 361-368 (2012).
08 Mars 2013: Microphotos and micro drawings of Mycena tubarioides.
03 Mars 2013: Updated Mycena arcangeliana with microphotos and drawings.
23 Feb. 2013: Microphotos and drawings of Mycena haematopus.
20 Feb. 2013: Microphotos and drawings of Mycena tintinabulum and Mycena aurantiomarginata.
17 Feb. 2013: Updated Mycena purpureofusca and Mycena epipterygia.

New genera separated from Mycena sensu lato: Atheniella Redhead, Moncalvo, Vilgalys, Desjardin, B.A. Perry and Phloeomana Redhead. and

January 2013: Many species have been updated with minor changes and photos of microscopic features, e.g. Mycena chlorantha, M. cinerella, M. cyanorhiza, M. epipterygia, M. purpureofusca, M. septentrionalis, M. tristis and a few more.
Alfonso La Rosa, Alessandro Saitta, Riccardo Compagno & Giuseppe Venturella: Mycena pseudoinclinata, new to Italy. Mycotaxon 120: 133-137 (2012).
25 Nov. 2012: Description, photo and microdrawings of Mycena seynesii.
22 Nov. 2012: Description, photo and microdrawings of Mycena atropapillata.
4 Nov. 2012: Description, photo and microdrawings of Mycena silvae-pristinae.
16 Oct. 2012: Microscopic description and drawings of Mycena zephirus.
12. oct. 2012: Description and microscopic details of Mycena romagnesiana.
Miersch, J.: Mycena leucosetosa und Mycena brachtensis, zwei neue Helmlingsarten der Sektion Longisetae aus Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 78/2: 155-167 (2012).
Aravindakshan DM, Kumar TKA, Manimohan P – A new bioluminescent species of Mycena sect. Exornatae from Kerala State, India. Mycosphere 3(5), 556–561 (2012).
Halina Komorowska: Mycena romagnesiana collected in the Bieszczady Mts. Acta Mycol. 45(2): 145-150 (2010).
Aravindakshan DM, Manimohan P: A new species of Mycena sect. Polyadelphia from southern India. Mycosphere 3(2), 241–243 (2012).
Niveiro, N.; Popoff, O.; Desjardin, D.; Albertó, E.: Mycena moconensis, a new species in section Polyadelphia from Argentina. Mycotaxon 119: 167-173 (2012).
14 Mar. 2012: Description and microscopic detailes of Mycena xantholeuca.
29 Feb. 2012: Description and microscopic details of Mycena pseudopicta.
27 Feb. 2012: Microphotos of Mycena mucor.
07 Feb. 2012: New photos of Mycena urania.
Jürgen Miersch & Rose Marie Dähncke: Mycena hiemaloides spec. nov., eine neue Art der Sektion Hiemales von der Kanareninsel La Palma (Spanien). Zeitschrift für Mykologie 77(2): 191-202 (2011).
10 Jan. 2012: Added Mycena guldeniana.
Aronsen, Arne; Perry, Brian A.: Mycena guldeniana - a new alpine species from Norway. Mycotaxon 118: 187-195 (2012).
4 Jan. 2012: Presenting Mycena albidolilacea.

Miersch, J., Rödel, T.: Mycena plicatula, eine neue Art von der Insel La Réunion (Frankreich, Afrika). Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 20: 5-12 (2011).

Aravindakshan, Dollymol M.; Manimohan, P.: Mycena sect. Longisetae: a new species, a new name, and an addition. Mycotaxon 117: 239-246 (2011).
20 Nov. 2011: Photo and description of Mycena tenuispinosa.
Christoffer Bugge Harder, D. Jean Lodge, Ronald H. Petersen, Karen W. Hughes, Joaquin Cifuentes Blanco, Tobias Guldberg Frøslev and Thomas Læssøe: Amyloidity is not diagnostic for species in the Mycena pearsoniana complex (Mycena sectio Calodontes). Mycological Progress Online first.
6 Oct. 2011: Added descriptions of Mycena corynephora, M. floridula and M. occulta.
Giovanni Robich: Mycena pilosella e le sue varietà. Mycol. Monten. XIII: 157-171 (2010).
6 Sept 2011: New photos of Mycena pearsoniana, M. rubromarginata and M. zephirus.
12 Aug.2011: Added description and micro drawings of Mycena leptophylla.
5 July: A portrait of Mycena scirpicola.
4 July: New photo and micro drawings of Mycena acicula.
29 May 2011: New photos of Mycena silvae-nigrae.
ROSE MARIE DÄHNCKE & GIOVANNI ROBICH: Due piccole nuove Mycena delle Isole Canarie, Mycena floris-castaneae e M. lapalmaensis. Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 34: 95-102 (2010).
GIOVANNI ROBICH: Una nuova forma di Mycena arcangeliana, la forma albicans. Micol. e Veget. Medit. 25: 114-118 (2010).
GIOVANNI ROBICH: Mycena parvistrobilicola una nuova specie della sezione Filipedes raccolta in Italia. Boll. AMER 80-81 (2-3): 50-56 (2010).
GIOVANNI ROBICH: Mycena malafidensis e M. quercincola, due nuove specie raccolte nella Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano. Rivista di Micologia 4: 315-325 (2010).
29 Mar. 2011: Added description and micro drawings of Mycena mitis.
Thomas Læssøe: Finpigget Huesvamp (Mycena tenuispinosa) - en af de sjove nye. Svampe 63: 37-39 (2011).
TEA VON BONSDORFF & ARNE ARONSEN: Mycena agrestis - Suomelle uusi hiippolaji (Mycena agrestis, new species to Finland). Sienilehti 63(1): 22-24 (2011).
05 Mar. 2011: New photos of Mycena septentrionalis.
Mori, K., Kojima, S., Maki, S., Hirano, T. and Niwa, H. : Bioluminescence characteristics of the fruiting body of Mycena chlorophos. Luminescence, n/a. doi: 10.1002/bio.1280
19 Febr. 2011: New photos of Mycena vulgaris and Mycena supina.
Jürgen Miersch & Rose Marie Dähncke: Zur Pilzflora der Kanaren-Insel La Palma. Häufige und bemerkenswerte Funde von Helmlingen (Mycena) und helmlingsähnlichen Arten (Delicatula, Hemimycena, Resinomycena, Roridomyces). Zeitschrift für Mykologie 76/2: 217-236 (2010).
DÄHNCKE, R.M. & G. ROBICH: Due piccole nuove Mycena delle isole canarie, Mycena floris-castaneae e M. lapalmaensis. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid 34: 95-102 (2010).
Miersch, J., Rödel, T.: Mycena congregabilis, eine neue Art von der Insel La Réunion (Frankreich, Afrika). Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 19: 93-99 (2010).
Giovanni Robich: Mycena polygramma (Bull.: Fr.) Gray f. laevipes f. nov., una nuova entità con gambo liscio, privo di striature e scanulature. Il Fungo XXIX (3): 8-14 (2010).
Giovanni Robich: Mycena circaea, una nuova specie della sezione Insignes raccolta in Italia. Boll. AMER 77-78: 69-74 (2009).
Miquel Á. Pérez-De-Gregorio i Capella, Carlos Enrique Hermosilla, José Luis Pérez Butrón: Mycena juniperina Aronsen en España. Boll. AMER 77-78: 54-59 (2009).
ROBICH G. & GASPARINI G.: Mycena choriophila sp. nov., una nuova entità della sezione Insignes raccolta in Italia. Rivista di Micologia 52 (1): 3-10 (2009).
21 Nov 2010: A portrait of Myena rhenana.
21 Nov. 2010: Mycena diosma, first record from Norway.
05 Oct. 2010: New photos of Mycena bulbosa.
03 Oct. 2010: New photos of Mycena flavescens and Mycena flavoalba.
02 Oct. 2010: New photos of Mycena aciculata and Mycena inclinata.
25 Sept. 2010: New photos of Mycena rosea and Mycena latifolia.
Leo Noten & Lucrèse Vannieuwerburgh: Mycena rhenana versus Mycena cecidiophila. Sterbeeckia 28: 32-34 (2009).

Christoffer Bugge Harder, Thomas Læssøe, Rasmus Kjøller and Tobias G. Frøslev: A comparison between ITS phylogenetic relationships and morphological species recognition within Mycena sect. Calodontes in Northern Europe. Mycological Progress 9 (3): 395-405 (2010).

31 July 2010: Mycena rapiolens J. Favre found in Finland.

Joo Young CHA, Sang Yong LEE, Kun Woo CHUN, Si Young LEE and Shoji OHGAA: New Record of a Snowbank Fungus, Mycena overholtsii, from Japan. J. Fac. Agr., Kyushu Univ. 55 (1): 77–78 (2010).
ROBICH, G.: Mycena faginea una nuova specie della Sezione Polyadelpha raccolta in Italia nel "Parco Nazionale D'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise". Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea 25: 3-8 (2010).
Dennis E. Desjardin, Brian A. Perry, D. Jean Lodge, Cassius V. Stevani & Eiji Nagasawa: Luminescent Mycena: new and noteworthy species. Mycologia 102: 459-477 (2010).
Ludwig, Erhard & Ryberg, Arne: Mycena mitis ny för Sverige – Mycena mitis –
first Swedish record.
Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift 3-2009.
27 Feb. 2010: Micro drawings of Mycena capillaripes, and a new photo and micro drawings of Mycena cinerella.
ROBICH, G.: Mycena niveipes (Murrill) Murril. Mycena niveipes f. candida f. nov. Boll. AMER 75-76: 52 (2009).
ARONSEN, A.: Mycena cretata – a new member of section Fragilipedes from southern Norway. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 18: 69-75 (2009).
ROBICH, G.: Mycena truncimuscicola, a new species of section Filipedes (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Switzerland. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 18: 117-122 (2009).
ROBICH, G.: Mycena albidoaquosipes, a new species of section Filipedes (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Austria. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 18: 47-51 (2009).
ROBICH, G. & HAUSKNECHT, A.: Mycena bhuglooi, a new species of section Sacchariferae (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Mauritius (Africa). Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 18: 7-14 (2009).
12 Dec. 2009: A more detailed discussion on Mycena olida.
02 Dec. 2009: New photo and emended description of Mycena hiemalis and new photo of Mycena flavoalba.
30 Nov. 2009: New description and photos of Mycena clavularis.
25 Nov. 2009: New photos of Mycena meliigena and M. pseudocorticola, and new description and photos of M. supina.
20 Nov. 2009: New photos of Mycena mucor and Mycena galericulata.
Boonpratuang, Thitiya. Mycena variicystis, a new spinose species from Phru Toh Daeng Peat Swamp. Mycotaxon 109: 185–186 (2009).
29 Sept. 2009: New photos of Mycena urania, Mycena galericulata and Mycena flavoalba.
Fernando ESTEVE-RAVENTOS and José María BARRASA: Mycena subinsignis, a new species from highland heaths of Central Spain. Cryptogamie Mycologie 30: 153-159 (2009).
02 Sept. 2009: New photos of Mycena aciculata and Mycena crocata.
31 Aug. 2009: New photos of Mycena pearsoniana and Mycena galericulata.
5 Aug. 2009: New photos of Mycena stipata.
31 July 2009: New photos of Mycena oregonensis.
Bougher, Neale L.: Two co-occurring species of Mycena section Sacchariferae in south-west Australia. Mycotaxon 108: 159–174 (2009).
Robich, G.: Mycena muscicola sp. nov., raccolta nei dintorni di Ceva. Boll. AMER 73-74: 56-61 (2008).
Robich, G. and Hausknecht, A.: Mycena dobraensis, a new species of section Filipedes (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Eastern Austria.
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 17: 41-46 (2008).
G. Robich: Mycena eucalyptina sp. nov., una nuova entità del Parco Nazionale del Circeo. Boll. AMER 72: 21-26 (2007).

G. Robich: Mycena albidula e Mycena verrucosocystis due nuove specie della sez. Polyadelphia. Boll. AMER 70-71:15-24 (2007).

The name Mycena albidula was corrected to Mycena albida Robich in Boll. AMER 72: 26 (2007).

G. Robich: Mycena graminum e M. cinereopileata, due nuove specie raccolte in Italia. Boll. AMER 68-69: 50-58 (2006).
16 Nov. 2008: New photos of Mycena erubescens. White form of Mycena pseudocorticola.

Ronald H. Petersen, Karen W. Hughes, Edgar B. Lickey, Alexander E. Kovalenko, Olga V. Morozova & Nadezhda V. Psurtseva.  A new genus, Cruentomycena, with Mycena viscidocruenta as the type species. Mycotaxon 105: 119-136. 2008.

6 Oct. 2008: New photos of Mycena clavata, Mycena bulbosa and Mycena pterigena.
7 Sept. 2008: New photos of Mycena stipata and Mycena latifolia
13 Aug 2008: New photos of Mycena pearsoniana.
27 July 2008: New photos of Mycena renati.
D. E. Desjardin & R. Braga-Neto: Mycena lacrimans, a rare species from Amazonia, is bioluminescent. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 64: 275-281 (2007).
15 April 2008: New photos of Mycena plumipes.
29 March 2008: New descriptions and microscopic drawings of Mycena belliae, Mycena oregonensis and Mycena pura.
8 Febr. 2008: New description of Mycena clavata.
Anna Ronikier & Arne Aronsen: Type study of Mycena Phaeophylla reveals its conspecificity with M. clavata. Mycologia 99(6): 924-935 (2007).
14 Jan. 2008: New photos of Mycena juniperina.
Haruki Takahashi:
Eight new species of the genus Mycena from central Honshu, Japan. Mycoscience 48:342–357(2007).
Jordi Vila y F. Caballero - Mycena saturejophila, una nueva especie asociada a Satureja montana. Revista micológica "Errotari" nº 4 (2007)
5 Oct. 2007: New photos of Mycena pterigena and Mycena flavescens.
Dennis E. Desjardin, Marina Capelari & Cassius Stevani - Bioluminescent Mycena species from São Paulo, Brazil. Mycologia 99: 317-331 (2007).
21 July 2007: New photos of Mycena niveipes and Mycena renati.
16 July 2007: New photos of Mycena stylobates and Mycena bulbosa.
ROBICH G. - Mycena pinastri e M. eburneopileata, due nuove specie della sez. Filipedes (Fr.) Quél. Bol. Soc. Micol. Madrid 30: 167-174 (2006).
ROBICH G. - Mycena borellae e M. bambusae-pygmaeae, due nuove specie dall'Italia. Rivista di Micologia 49(3): 195-203 (2006).
10 July 2007: New photos of Mycena sanguinolenta.
8 July 2007: New photo of Mycena rubromarginata.
ROBICH G. - Mycena phoenicis-canariensis and M. tenuipes, due nuove specie raccolte nella Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano. Rivista di Micologia 48(4): 291-299 (2005).
ROBICH G. - Mycena flavofuliginosa e Mycena secessa, due nuove specie della sez. Filipedes (Fr.) Quél. (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales, Tricholomataceae). Boll. Mus. civ. St. Nat. Venezia: 57: 73-81 (2006).
A. Aronsen and G. Gulden: Two new species of Mycena from alpine sites in Norway. In Mycol. Progress 6: 1 - 6 (2007).
Jürgen MIERSCH & Rose Marie DÄHNCKE: Mycena palmensis spec. nov., eine neue Art der Sektion Roridae aus Spanien. In Z. Mykol. 73/1: 89-94 (2007).
A. Ronikier, P. Chachula & A. Kujawa: Mycena tenuispinosa (Fungi, Agaricales), a species new to Poland. In Polish Botanical Journal 51(2): 217 - 220 (2006).
G. Robich: A revised key to the species of Mycena section Fragilipedes of the northern hemisphere. In Persoonia 19 (1): 1 - 43 (2006)
A. Champagne and A. Coustillas: Étude d'une récolte particulièrement pâle de Mycena capillaripes. In Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 121 (3-4): 209 - 213 (2005).
13 January 2007: Even more photos of Mycena tintinnabulum.
J. Miersch, D. Penke and G. Robich: Mycena handkeana, a new member of section Fragilipedes from Germany. In Österr. Z. Pilzk. 15: 181 - 186 (2006).
11 Dec. 2006: New photos of Mycena tintinnabulum.

1 December: Aronsen and Gulden: Two new species of Mycena from alpine sites in Norway. Springer Link Online First.

See also Mycena aphanes and Mycena exilis.

8 November 2006: New photo of Mycena pseudopicta.
24 October 2006: New photos of Mycena epipterygia and Mycena leptocephala.
15 October 2006: New photos of Mycena ustalis and Mycena agrestis.
14 October 2006: New photos of Mycena capillaripes, M. olivaceomarginata, and M. rosella.
19 Sept 2006: New photos of Mycena adonis. News from the 2006 Foray of Newfoundland & Labrador.
10 Sept 2006: New photos of Mycena oregonensis.
26 August 2006: New photos of Mycena clavicularis and Mycena sanguinolenta.
Hasan Huseyin Dogan & Mitko Karadelev: First record of Mycena juniperina from Turkey on a new host. In Mycologia Balcanica 3: 77 - 79 (2006).
G. Robich: Mycena setulosipes e Mycena spinulosipes, due nuove specie con elementi appuntiti e parete spessa fra le ife del piede. In Micologia e vegetazione Mediterranea XVIII (2): 125-134 (2003).
G. Robich: Mycena rhamnicola and Mycena angusta. In Bollettino dell'Associazione Micologica ed Ecologica Romana 64-65 (2005).
6 May 2005: New photos of Mycena ustalis.

G. Robich: Quatto nuove specie di Mycena della sezione Fragilipedes (Fr.) Quél. In Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Venezia 56: 51 - 68 (2005).

(Mycena parvoaquosipes, M. pruinatipes, M. pullicaulis, and M. subtilis)

25 Feb. 2006: New photos and new description of Mycena clavata, with a focus on the differences between M. clavata and M. phaeophylla. The two taxa are probably conspecific.
6 Jan. 2006: Photo and description of Mycena epipterygia var. badiceps
5 Jan. 2006: New photos of Mycena pelianthina and Mycena crocata.
30 Dec. 2005: New photo and emended description of Mycena nucicola.
10 Dec. 2005: New photos of Mycena erubescens.
4 Dec. 2005: New photos and description of Mycena meliigena.
8 Oct. 2005: New photo and description of Mycena laevigata.
G. Robich, J. Miersch, and P. Karasch: Mycena haushoferi, a new species of section Intermediae from Germany. In Mycological Progress 4 (3): 257-264, August 2005.
24 Sept. 2005: New description with photo of Mycena adonis.
13 Aug. 2005: New photos of Mycena picta.
G. Robich: Due nuove Mycena della sez. Filipedes: Mycena rhododendri e Mycena fuscoaquosipes. In Boll. AMER, 59 (2): 27 - 36 (2003).
24 June 2005: New photos of Mycena speirea and Mycena acicula.
G. Robich: Mycena albidoaquosa, eine neue Art der Sektion Polyadelphia aus Italien. In Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pilze Mitteleuropas, Band XIV (2005).
G. Robich: Mycena tenuipellucida et Mycena calangianuensis, deus nouvelles espèces de la section Polyadelphia. In Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 120 (1-4): 1-14 (2004).
23 May 2005: New photo of Mycena silvae-nigrae.
22 May 2005: Description and photo of Mycena lammiensis.
19 May 2005: Published photo and description of Mycena tristis from Finland.
February 2005: Mycena juniperina has been reported as new to Denmark. (Læssøe: En ny dansk huesvamp: Ene-huesvamp (Mycena juniperina). In Svampe, 51: 56-57, 2005)
5 Feb. 2005: Photo of Mycena haematopus infected by Spinellus fusiger.
31 Dec. 2004: Emended description and new photo of Mycena latifolia. New photos of Mycena mirata.
30 Oct. 2004: Descriptions updated and new photos of Mycena capillaris, Mycena polyadelpha, and Mycena smithiana
5 Sept. 2004: New photos of Mycena abramsii and Mycena filopes.
22 July 2004: Description and new photos of Mycena viridimarginata and Mycena rubromarginata
7 July 2004: Description and new photo of Mycena renati and Mycena urania
21 June 2004: Description and drawings of Mycena smithiana
2 June 2004: Description of Mycena picta
22 May 2004: Photo of Mycena megaspora
15 May 2004: Description of M. nucicola with drawings of microscopic features
16 April 2004: Discussion on M. adscendens and M. nucicola and key to sect. Sacchariferae
30 March 2004: Description of M. concolor, M. latifolia and M. septentrionalis with drawings of cheilocystidia.
Anna Ronikier: New record and distribution of Mycena oregonensis (Agaricales, Basidiomycetes) in Europe in Polish Botanical Journal 48(2): 127-130, 2003.
15 March 2004: Description of M. tintinnabulum with drawings of the cheilocystidia.
March 2004: Published description of M. pelianthina with discussion on the differences to M. lammiensis, and whether the latter has been recorded in Norway

Mycena cicognanii - una nuova specie dall'Italia.

Mycena cicognanii - a new species of sect. Filipedes from Italy. Giovanni Robich in Rivista di Micologia XLVI (3): 213-219.



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