
Hemimycena Singer


Omphaloid or mycenoid, white or pale coloured. Pileus 0.5-30 mm, conical, campanulate, convex to plane, papillate to centrally depressed to funnel-shaped, with incurved to straight or undulate margin, pruinose, pubescent, hairy, rarely glabrous, translucent-striate or not, mostly hygrophanous, white, but some with cream to pale yellowish brown to greyish colours. Lamellae absent to well developed, adnexed to decurrent, often veined or forked, very distant to crowded, white or very pale greyish or yellowish white. Stipe central, cylindrical to slightly clavate, smooth, pruinose, pubescent to hairy, mostly white, hyaline, base with or without strigose fibrils. Smell indistinct, fungoid-farinaceous to nitrous. Taste indistinct to bitter. Spore deposit white.

Basidia (1)2-4-spored. Spores globose, ovoid, dacryoid, subfusiform, ellipsoid, amygdaloid, citriform, pyriform, cylindrical, non-amyloid, smooth, hyaline, thin-walled. Cheilocystidia absent or present, versiform, clavate-fusiform to lageniform, rarely digitate, thin- to thickwalled, hyaline. Pleurocystidia generally absent but present and diagnostic in a few species. Pileipellis typically a cutis, smooth to diverticulate or corraloid, often with thin- to thickwalled pileocystidia. Caulocystidia versiform, thin- or thickwalled. Clamp connections absent or present.

Solitary or in groups on litter, including leaves, needles, rotten bark, twigs or on different plant remnants, rarely on soil. Summer to autumn. 22 species in the Nordic countries, 18 in Norway.

The genus is most probably polyphyletic, and many species are probably still to be described.

Norwegian species:

  1. H. ochrogaleata
  2. H. tortuosa
  3. H. cephalotricha
  4. H. candida
  5. H. ignobilis
  6. H. delectabilis
  7. H. subglobispora
  8. H. pseudocrispula
  9. H. crispula
  10. H. cucullata
  11. H. pseudolactea
  12. H. lactea
  13. H. subtilis
  14. H. mauretanica
  15. H. crispata
  16. H. gracilis
  17. H. pseudogracilis
  18. H. epichloë



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