Gregarious and very common on fallen, decaying leaves of
Fagus. Also recorded on other types of leaves including Quercus and Salix (Aronsen & Læssøe 2016). Occuring late in the autumn. Common with Fagus in southern part of Norway.
Pileus 1-3 mm
across, hemispherical, parabolical, conical to convex, often
slightly depressed centrally, pruinose, glabrescent, sulcate,
translucent-striate, whitish grey to pale grey or white,
sometimes with darker centre. Lamellae
6-10 reaching the stipe, ascending, very narrow to fairly
broad, the edge at first concave then convex, narrowly adnate
to adnate, sometimes making a pseudocollarium, whitish grey
to white, the edge white. Stipe
20-40 x 0.25-0.5 mm, filiform, flexuous, cartilaginous (?), pruinose,
glabrescent except for the usually puberulous base, shiny,
when very young entirely blackish or dark grey or blackish or
dark grey at the apex, becoming grey to grey-brown, finally
watery white, the base +/- somewhat bulbous, attached to the substratum by a patch of radiating, dark brown to blackish fibrils, not easily seen, and often seemingly insititious.
Odour none. Taste not recorded.
Basidia 17-21 x 6-8.5 μm, clavate,
4-spored (rarely 2-spored). Spores
8.5-11.5(-13.5) x 2.8-4.5 μm, elongated, cylindrical (more
cylindrical in 2-spored form), amyloid. Cheilocystidia
14-26 x 7-15 μm, forming a sterile band, clavate to
obpyriform, covered with evenly spaced, cylindrical, straight,
simple excrescences or warts 2-4.5 x 0.5-1 μm. Pleurocystidia absent. Lamellar trama dextrinoid. Hyphae of the pileipellis
4-15 μm wide, densely covered with warts or short cylindrical
excrescences. Hyphae of the cortical layer of
the stipe 2.5-3.5 μm wide, densely
covered with short cylindrical excrescences 1-2 μm long. Caulocystidia
at the base of the stipe 5-15 μm wide, clavate, obpyriform or spheropedunculate,
densely covered with short cylindrical excrescences. Clamps abunded in 4-spored form, absent in 2-spored form.
Mycena capillaris is a member of
sect. Polyadelphia. It is characterized by the small size,
the white to greyish pileus, the distant lamellae, the dark
stipe (at least in younger specimens), the cheilocystidia
and hyphae of the pileipellis covered with warts or short
cylindrical excrescences, and the occurence on Fagus
leaves. It is
close to M. polyadelpha, but differs in several features as
colour of pileus and stipe, the attachment of the lamellae,
and the spore width. The latter is growing on Quercus leaves, but has also been recorded on Fagus leaves. Whether these records really represent M. polyadelpha, should be investigated by molecular methods. This applies also for records of M. capillaris on Quercus and Salix leaves.
According to Kühner (1938: 250) the base of the stipe is "naissant d'une petite tache brune ou noire, à peine nette à l'œl nu, formée de fibrilles noires rayonnantes, étroitement apprimées sur le support". Maas Geesteranus (1986: 163) described the stipe
as "arising from a small whorl of radiating, very fine,
dark brown mycelial hyphae (sometimes subepidermal and not
easily discernible)". In my experience these fibrils are not easy to see,
and very often they seem to be absent. Consequently this is quite useless
as an identification character.