Odeur raphanoid; large species, growing
on calcareous soil under Fagus or Quercus:
Mycena rosea
Odeur indistinctive, growing in coniferous woods:
Mycena rosella
Odeur indistinctive, tiny species growing on decaying
ferns: Mycena pterigena
Odeur indistinctive; pileus covered by a gelatinous
layer; lamellar edge gelatinous; growing on decayed
leaf sheaths of Juncus and Typha
and stems of Scirpus in wet places: Mycena
Odeur indistinctive; not with gelatinous layers;
growing on Scirpus and Carex:Mycena
Odeur indistinctive; on fallen, decaying leaves
of Quercus: Mycena
Pileus and stipe differently coloured
Stipe pinkish to white
Pileus orange-red to pink-salmon, with
no traces of yellow: Mycena
Pileus pink-coral red to salmon, turning
yellowish with age: Mycena
Stipe orange-yellow to citrine
Pileus orange-red to orange to pale
salmon with yellow margin: Mycena