- Growing terrestrial or on other substrates
- Odeur distinctive; raphanoid, nitrous, farinaceous
- Odeur and taste raphanoid (of raddish)
- Lamellae ascending
- Lamellae becoming horizontal; the lamellar
edge dark purplish brown: Mycena
- The lamellar edge not coloured
- Pileus lilaceous to more pinkish: Mycena
- Pileus more distinctly pinkish: Mycena
- Lamellae subhorizontal to decurrent
- Pileus pale brown with a lilaceous or pinkish
tint; spores inamyloid: Mycena
- Pileus pale brown with a lilaceous or pinkish tint;
spores amyloid: Mycena kuehneriana
- Odeur nitrous
- Occuring in the spring, may - june
- On fallen (mostly buried) cones of Picea:
Mycena strobilicola
- On roots and decayed stumps of Picea:
Mycena silvae-nigrae
- Occuring in the autumn
- Growing on conifer wood
- The lamellar edge coloured olive-green
to brownish: Mycena viridimarginata
- The lamellar edge not coloured: Mycena
- Terrestrial
- The lamellar edge coloured yellow- brown
to red-brown (sometimes coloured only very close to
the margin of the pileus): Mycena
- The lamellar edge red-brown to purplish
brown; the sides densely punctate with minute, red-brown
dots (pleurocystidia): Mycena
- The lamellar edge not coloured
- The hyphae of the cortical layer of
the stipe smooth
- Stipe pruinous; with much inflated
terminal cells: Mycena
- Stipe glabrous; terminal cells scarce,
clavate: Mycena parca
- Pileus conspicuously black (at least)
in the center, like burned wood: Mycena
- Hyphae of the pileipellis with large,
variously shaped terminal cells, clampless: Mycena
- The hyphae of the cortical layer of
the stipe diverticulate
- Hyphae of the pileipellis with large,
variously shaped terminal cells, clampless: Mycena
- The stipe when fresh exuding a watery
fluid when incised, the cheilocystidia with a typical
slender neck: Mycena abramsii
- Odeur farinaceous
- Pileus dark brown to pale grey; lamellae broadly
adnate to somewhat decurrent: Mycena
- Odeur indistinctive or not raphanoid, nitrous or
farinaceous. See next key