
Mycena sect. Hiemales Konrad & Maubl.

(From Maas Geesteranus 1992 and Ronikier & Aronsen 2007)

Key to subsections:  
1. Lamellae ascending, edge convex.
Subsect. Hiemales

1. Lamellae horizontal to arcuate, edge
straight or concave.

Subsect. Omphaliariae

Subsect. Hiemales

  • Hyphae of the pileipellis smooth or rarely with very few, scattered excrescences.
  • Hyphae of the pileipellis diverticulate.

Subsect. Omphaliariae

  1. Spores globose to broadly ellipsoid (q < 1.6, qav ~ 1.3), pigment in hypoderm encrusting or intracellular
  • Cheilocystidia lageniform to fusiform with simple or branched neck, hyphae of the pileipellis with cylindrical excrescences, pigment in hypoderm brown
  • Cheilocystidia clavate to subcylindrical, hyphae of the pileipellis with inflated excrescences, pigment in hypoderm intracellular, poorly visible:
  1. Spores ellipsoid, amygdaliform (q > 1.6, qav ~ 1.9), pigment in hypoderm intracellular, brown:

Alternatively the differences between the four more common species can be tabulated as follows:

M. alba horizontal to arcuate, edge straight or concave globose clavate to subcylindrical covered with inflated, lobed excrescences
M. speirea horizontal to arcuate, edge straight or concave pip-shaped subcylindrical, subfusiform, clavate, subutriform, sometimes furcate covered with cylindrical excrescences
M. hiemalis ascending, edge convex pip-shaped fusiform to somewhat utriform covered with cylindrical excrescences
M. olida ascending, edge convex pip-shaped cylindrical, subclavate, subfusiform smooth



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